惠 生 國 際 控 股 有 限 公 司
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惠 生 國 際 控 股 有 限 公 司
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Mr. Zhang Zhenghua
(章正華先生)Mr. Zhang Zhenghua (章正華 ), aged 60, joined the Group since 2007. He worked in the production department ofHunan Huisheng since October 2007. From June 2018 to May 2019, Mr. Zhang served as the director of Hunan Huisheng. Mr. Zhang left the Group on May 2019.
On December 2022, Mr. Zhang returned to our Group and be re-appointed as the director, manager and authorised representative of Changde Xihu District Huisheng Meat Company Limited* (常德市西湖區惠生肉食有限公司). Mr. Zhang is also the director, manager and authorised representative of Changde City Dingcheng District Huisheng Meat Products Company Limited* (常德市鼎城區惠生肉業有限公司), Linli Huisheng Meat Products Company Limited* (臨澧惠生肉業有限公司), Linli Huisheng Ecological Hog Breeding Company Limited* (臨澧惠生生態豬養殖有限公司) and Taoyuan County Huisheng Meat Products Company Limited* (桃源縣惠生肉業有限公司) since December 2023 up to now. These companies are all subsidiaries of our Group. Mr. Zhang graduated from high school. Mr. Zhang has over 15 years of experience in the industry of slaughtering and trading of pork products.
Ms. Xiang Yuan
(向元女士)Ms. Xiang Yuan (向元 ), aged 60, joined the Group since 2007. He worked in the production department ofHunan Huisheng since October 2007. From June 2018 to May 2019, Mr. Zhang served as the director of Hunan Huisheng. Mr. Zhang left the Group on May 2019.
On December 2022, Mr. Zhang returned to our Group and be re-appointed as the director, manager and authorised representative of Changde Xihu District Huisheng Meat Company Limited* (常德市西湖區惠生肉食有限公司). Mr. Zhang is also the director, manager and authorised representative of Changde City Dingcheng District Huisheng Meat Products Company Limited* (常德市鼎城區惠生肉業有限公司), Linli Huisheng Meat Products Company Limited* (臨澧惠生肉業有限公司), Linli Huisheng Ecological Hog Breeding Company Limited* (臨澧惠生生態豬養殖有限公司) and Taoyuan County Huisheng Meat Products Company Limited* (桃源縣惠生肉業有限公司) since December 2023 up to now. These companies are all subsidiaries of our Group. Mr. Zhang graduated from high school. Mr. Zhang has over 15 years of experience in the industry of slaughtering and trading of pork products.
Mr. Chan Kwun Nam
(陳冠楠先生)Mr. Chan Kwun Nam (陳冠楠), aged 45, obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from TheHong Kong University of Science and Technology in November 2001. Mr. Chan is a member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since January 2008.
He has over 20 years of experience in audit assurance sector and is currently working as consultant to public / private companies. Mr. Chan joined BDO Limited between 2006 and 2021 and held management positions in assurance department handling various engagements including IPOs, acquisitions and various special engagements. In 2021, Mr. Chan joined GTI Holdings Limited (previous stock code: 3344) working as chief financial officer until September 2023, the issued shares of which had been formerly listed on the Stock Exchange. He is currently working as a consultant to potential IPO companies and listed company providing financial advisory and company secretarial services.
Dr. Wang Guiping
(王貴平博士)Dr. Wang Guiping (王貴平), aged 52, was appointedas an independent non-executive Director on 29 October 2020, and became a member of each of the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Investment and Treasury Committee of the Company on 30 June 2022. He is an expert in animal microbiology and immunology. He is currently a deputy professor and tutor of master of Hunan Agricultural University*(湖南農業大學). Dr. Wang has beeninvolved in various research projects and has published numbers of articles. Dr. Wang obtained his doctorate degree in clinical veterinary science from Hunan Agricultural University*(湖南農業大學)in 2014.
Mr. Huang Ruilin
(黃瑞林先生)Mr. Huang, Ruilin (黄瑞林), aged 61, was appointedas an independent non-executive Director, and a member of each of the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee on 18 August 2022. He is currently a postgraduate tutor and researcher. In 1985, he graduated from the Department of School of Animal Science and Technology, School of AnimalMedicine of the Huazhong Agricultural University(華中農 業大學)with a bachelor’s degreein agronomy. After graduation, he engaged in research on animal nutrition and physiology at the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, the Chinese Academy of Sciences(中國科學院亞熱帶農業生態研究所). And he is also thedeputy director of the Animal Nutrition and Environment Society(湖南省動物營養與 環境學會)in Hunan Province of China. Since 2005, he has been an expert in the evaluation of national science and technology awards.
Mr. Huang has participated in and presidedover a number of national key Research & Development (“R&D”) projects, national key scientific and technological projects, international cooperation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and key projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
He is currently undertaking China’s 14thnational key R&D project “Dynamic Nutrition Demand and Precision Nutrition Supply Technology of Pigs and Poultry”, and serves as the chief scientist of the project in China. He has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the Ministry of Agriculture Science and Technology Progress Award, the Agricultural Science and Technology Award (Harvest Award), the Chinese Academy of Sciences Science and Technology Progress Award and many other awards.
Mr. Lau Chi Yuen
(劉智遠先生)Mr. Lau Chi Yuen (劉智遠), Mr. Lau, aged 49, was appointed as the companysecretary and the authorised representative of the Company on 31 May 2019. Mr. Lau does not act as an employee of the Group, but as an external service provider. Mr. Lau had served as company secretary in companies listed in Hong Kong. Mr. Lau has extensive experience in company secretarial services, corporate finance, merger and acquisition, investor relationship and corporate governance aspects. Mr. Lau obtained a Master of Professional Accounting degree from the Southern Cross University in September 2004. Mr. Lau is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants since July 2008 and a member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since January 2021.
During the year ended 31 December 2022, Mr. Lau has undertaken not less than 15 hours of relevant professional training in compliance with Rule 3.29 of the Listing Rules.

Room 1604, 16/F
Tower 1, Silvercord
30 Canton Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong